I have started a blog in hopes that it will inspire me to keep working on art projects and such. Its not very fun to make something awesome and than have no one see it! So hopefully this will motivate me to keep chuggin and pluggin my ideas. Lately I have been loving making graffiti stencils. I almost like the creation and setting up the stencil more than I like spraying and defiling public property. I have so many neat ideas that i will probably never end up actually spraying and will be posting them here.
Along with my art i will probably post updates on the apartment I am building.
I have been building an apartment in my parents unfinished basement. Ya, sounds kinda lame, i know. But its gonna be a super nice pad with a movie theater, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, laundry room, and computer room, its completely separate from their flat and i wont have to pay any rent! I have to pay for my own school, and this was the best means to do so. What's also sweet about the situation is that i have learned how to completely build and finish a house. I know plumbing, drywalling, framing, and electric. I hope to use these new skills to buy, refinish, and flip houses as a hobby when i am graduated and making more $$$.